Metabolic disesases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, are on the rise and make a huge burden on the healthcare systems all over the world. These conditions are caused by bad nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle. In order to reverse them, we need to correct our diet and change our daily habits.
I coach all those who need guidance, support and encouragement.
Common conditions that can be improved with Nutritional Metabolic Therapy
Metabolic syndrome
Diabetes type 2
Chronic kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease
Non-alcoholc fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Autoimmune diseases
Irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Crohn's disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Multiple sclerosis
Seasonal allergies
Leaky gut
Autistic spetrum disorders
Migraine headaches
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Long covid
Nutritional Metabolic Therapy combined with lifestyle changes will help you to upgrade your health, lose weight, gain muscle and become stronger, optimize your aging process but also manage and reverse your chronic metabolic conditions.
This is a ketogenic diet that is composed of local and seasonal whole foods to ensure all necessary nutrients while excluding most harmful food components and toxins.
With adequate lifestyle changes we will optimise your sleep, exercise and stress management. As it is a personalised approach, all the details will depend on your unique needs.
A few of the many benefits you'll have from this program
decreased blood sugar and insulin
reduced body fat, with the emphasis on visceral fat
more energy, less fatigue
reduced inflammation level
feeling satiated, no food cravings
improved sleep
better exercise tolerance
better mood, feeling less stressed
Depending on your needs you can choose from three different programs.
If you would like to improve your health, put your chronic condition into remission, become fit, lose weight and age well, please book a 15-minute free call.