There are a few reasons why it is worth to prepare your own lard. First of all, this way you can be sure that it is fresh, good quality and without any unnecessary additives. You can buy free-range, organic pork back fat from your butcher.
Secondly, it will be much cheaper and you will have plenty of fat that you can use for cooking for a long time.
And finally you will have the amazingly deliciously byproducts, fresh greaves! They are so good! The only problem is that it is hard not to overeat them.
2-3 kg pork backfat
a bit of water, about 1 dl
a big pot
….and some patience

Cut the fat into bigger cubes.

Place them into a large pot (8-10 l).
Add a bit of water.
On medium heat start to melt them slowly, stirring often with a wooden spoon.

It will take a few hours to melt all the fat and get your greaves brown and crispy.
Take out the greaves, and gently squeeze the extra fat out of them.
Pour the fat into jars and let them cool completely before closing. Store them in the fridge.
Salt the greaves only before eating, to avoid them from becoming soft and chewy.

Greaves are traditional in the Hungarian and a few other other European kitchens. They are an easy way to add fat to your ketogenic meals, they are delicious and extremely satiating.
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